Here are listed some
common terms used in the description of the tricks.
At the basic movement the devilstick is hitten back and
forth from one control stick to the other. It's the first thing when
beginning devilsticking and it looks like an idle. It's also called the
Forehand Hit
This is the normal hit of the basic movement. At the
forehand hit the palm of the hand resp. the fingers is facing the
devilstick. A hit from the right to the left with the right handstick is a
forehand hit.
Backhand Hit
At the Backhand hit the back of the hand is facing
the devilstick. A hit from the left to the right with the right handstick is
a backhand hit.
Front side of handstick
The front side of the handstick is that part of the
handstick extending out of the hand, so above thumb and index finger. The
basic movement is always hitten by the front side of the handstick.
Back side of handstick
The back side of the handstick is that part of the handstick
extending to the back.
Propeller plane
The propeller plane is the plane parallel to your
body, also called the 'wall plane'. In this plane e.g. is played the idle or
the propeller.
Helicopter plane
The helicopter plane is the plane
parallel to the floor.
Saw plane
The saw plane is the remaining one.
Spinning direction
For many tricks the spinning direction
is very important. Either the devil is spinning clockwise (cw) or
counterclockwise (ccw). At helicopter tricks the spinning direction is
viewed from above.